Our Distribution Coverage
We cover all the regions of the Czech Republic except for Prague and the South Bohemia Region.
Who We Are and What We Do
Code of Conduct
We have clear principles that set the framework for our business and social activities. Our Code of Conduct applies to both companies in our group – GasNet and GasNet Služby.
Our Code of Conduct guides each of our employees in responsible behaviour. It sets the goals and principles of our business conduct. It also sets a benchmark for our work with contractual partners.
Read Our Story
We are GasNet
We are a natural gas distributor. We manage the Czech Republic’s largest gas network - supplying a vital source of energy to millions of people. We make sure that natural gas makes it way safely and reliably to Czech households and companies on a daily basis.
We believe in the future of gas. We are determined to be a pillar of modern and green energy. For this reason we build digitalisation, innovation, and new technologies into our activities.
Because we care about our common future, we behave respectfully, sustainably, and responsibly towards each other, our surroundings, and the environment.
Who We Are
We do what truly matters
Natural gas is a vital source of energy for our daily lives. It guarantees heat, convenience, and comfort in the home. It drives Czech industry, businesses, and institutions. We make sure it makes its way safely and reliably to our customers. Our gas pipelines cover 80% of the Czech Republic. We take care of 65,000 kilometres of gas pipelines in all the regions except Prague and the South Bohemia Region. We manage and run the gas distribution network. We are a part of our country’s critical infrastructure. The law confirms our key role. We are essential to society and to the economy. Wherever people live and work, that’s where we are.
We are a gas distributor. Our work is our mission.
In today’s market, dozens of suppliers offer natural gas. Customers can choose from a wide range of offers that differ in price and quality of service. We do not sell gas. Instead we have a different role. Our mission is safety and reliability. We care. This is the distributor’s mission, and we are the largest distributor. We make sure that natural gas makes its way safely and reliably from the various suppliers to the final customer – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We have no competitors. We play by clear rules.
There is always just one gas network in a given area. We don’t compete with other distributors. We follow clear rules. The price of our services is set by an independent institution – the Energy Regulatory Office. This office oversees the domestic energy market. It also defines the basic conditions for our business and operations. It defines the rules of the game. We always play by their rules.
Energy is changing and we are changing along with it: this is our opportunity
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, incorporating renewable sources of energy, increasing energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental protection, digitalisation, and smart solutions – this is only a short list of the global trends that will determine the further development of energy. We embrace these trends. They set a new path for us to follow, and we are setting out on this new journey. We stand on our own two feet. We are building a distinct, independent, and strong GasNet Group.
Both energy and our company are changing fundamentally. This change delivers new opportunities which we want to seize.
Read more about our strategy:
ESG: Doing Business Sustainably
We care about how we treat each other, our surroundings, and our environment. We care about our health and the health of our company.
As a result, the only way it makes sense for us to do business is sustainably, responsibly, and considerately.
We have a strong international background
GasNet and GasNet Služby are owned by ČEZ, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI), and Allianz Capital Partners (representing the insurance companies of the Allianz Group).
While GasNet owns and operates the distribution network, GasNet Služby acts as our service company. It maintains our distribution network and thus the reliable supply of natural gas to our customers. GasNet Služby maintains high safety standards in its operation of gas facilities and protects people’s health and property.