Our Membership in Organisations
We are in this together with other gas producers and organisations which also care about our sustainable future. We are actively preparing for the energy challenges of the future. However, as the largest Czech distributor we have to respond flexibly to the current events and trends in energy. This cannot be achieved without the cooperation and help of other companies that work in the energy industry.
We realise this, so we are active members of key organisations, so that the gas industry has a unified voice and enforces its values.
Czech Gas and Energy Industry
Czech Gas Industry Association (ČPS)
An independent association of organisations and experts working in the gas industry and related fields.
The Czech Gas Industry Association currently brings together over 200 expert associations and companies that work in the gas industry.
The Czech Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce strives to support economic development in the Czech Republic. This is the largest representative of the Czech business sphere.
In the Chamber, we are active members of the energy section via the Czech Gas Association.
The Czech Union of Industry and Transportation
The Union of Industry and Transportation is the leading business lobby organisation in the Czech Republic and represents employers at a national and international level.
We are members through the Czech Gas Association.
Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform (HYTEP)
The goal of the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform is the development of the hydrogen economy in the Czech Republic. It supports mutual awareness of entities that do business in the area of hydrogen technology, and it develops the potential of hydrogen applications in the Czech Republic in line with the climate ambitions of the European Union and its member states.
The Czech Biomass Association (CZ Biom)
This association supports and develops the use of biomass, biogas and biomethane as renewable sources of energy in the Czech Republic. It also deals with biowaste, compost and the renewal of nutrients from compost, digestates, and ash into the soil. It brings together specialists, businesses and others who are active in the field of biomass use.
International Platforms and Organisations
The pan-European Ready4H2 initiative is preparing the transition of the gas industry to hydrogen. The initiative brings together nearly a hundred distributors and gas organisations to work together on the necessary legislation and standards, grid modifications, technical conditions and other issues.
Eurogas is an association that represents gas companies in negotiating with European Union authorities.
We are members through the Czech Gas Association.
MARCOGAZ is an international non-profit organisation, which represents the European gas industry in all technical aspects of the gas industry. It deals with technical standards, norms, and regulations.
The International Gas Union (IGU)
IGU is a global non-profit organisation, which promotes gas as an essential part of the global, sustainable energy system and supports the political, technical, and economic advancement of the gas industry.
We are members through the Czech Gas Association.
OSN Global Compact
The world's largest sustainability advocacy and support platform. Founded by the United Nations in 2000.
Brings together over 16,000 companies from 161 countries.
Business for society
The largest platform for promoting and supporting ESG in the Czech Republic.
The activities of ESG affect over 70,000 employees throughout the Czech Republic.
Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
GRESB assesses and compares the performance of physical activities in the area of ESG and other related aspects. It provides capital markets with standardised and proven data.
Climate & Sustainable Leaders Czech Republic
The mission of the platform is particularly to reduce CO production and to motivate key players in the Czech economy to launch projects that contribute to sustainability and climate protection, and also to help with their implementation.