Terms of Purchase
Misconduct Prevention Program
At GasNet Group, we are aware of our responsibilities to our owners and employees, as well as to our customers and business partners. That's why we have a set of clear policies on how we conduct our business. These are set out in our core documents - the Code of Conduct for Employees and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers.
If you as a supplier have experienced a breach of the Code of Conduct, or if you have observed unethical or illegal behaviour, corruption, breach of internal regulations, fraud or discrimination on GasNet's part, please let us know and contact our Green Line.
Code of Conduct for Employees
The Code of Conduct applies to both GasNet and GasNet Services Group companies and guides every employee to act responsibly.
The Code sets out the objectives and principles of our business conduct and includes a benchmark for cooperation with contractual partners.
Code of Conduct for GasNet Group Suppliers
The GasNet Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers applies to individuals and legal entities - and their affiliates - that provide goods or services to the GasNet Group.
The GasNet Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers forms an essential element of any business relationship between a GasNet Group company and a Supplier. Each Supplier is required to comply with it.
Green Line
Do you suspect a violation of the Code of Conduct? Call the Green Line
A non-anonymous complaint to the Green Line will, if you wish, remain anonymous to GasNet Group companies. In the case of a tender procedure, acceptance of a Green Line complaint has no suspensive effect.
All information about the investigation is treated as strictly confidential.