We operate the largest gas network in the Czech Republic. We take care of 65 thousand kilometres of gas pipelines on a daily basis to ensure safe and reliable gas supplies to the final customers. We distribute around 7.5 billion m3 of natural gas annually. We not only supply the necessary energy to households and production companies, but also to schools, hospitals or senior citizen homes. We are part of Czech Republic’s critical infrastructure.

Our distribution grid includes all types of gas pipelines, from low pressure to high pressure gas pipelines, pressure reduction stations for pressure networks and transfer points between our systems and the transmission operator’s system (TSO Net4Gas). The system is run by two dispatch locations in Ústí nad Labem and Brno. We ensure all aspects of the system’s operation. 


We have a 24-hour 1239 emergency public hotline to ensure the public’s safety. Call the hotline to report any possible gas leaks on the network or damage to the network by a third party. Our technicians will go out on site to repair the leak. 

Natural gas itself is odourless. Therefore, we odourise the supplied gas on our odorization stations to ensure the safety of the supply. We inspect our network on a regular basis in order to decrease the risk of possible leaks. We renew our networks regularly and invest in its modernization.

We have implemented a number of active measures to protect the network – we define the course of the gas pipelines for the builders and developers and we have strong anti-corrosion protection of our pipelines. When managing the network, we mount 3D BIM modelling or by air and use drones to check the hard to access gas pipelines.

We cooperate closely with fire fighters and other Integrated Rescue System units. For example, if there is a natural disaster, we immediately stop supplies to the affected areas in order to protect the rescue units and local residents from any possible risk. 

We are preparing for new gases

The gas industry is constantly moving forward. We are already preparing for new green gases. We are for example replacing steel gas pipelines with new polyethylene pipelines that are fully prepared to distribute pure hydrogen. In the near future, we are also preparing for changes related to blending new gases, like biomethane and hydrogen to the existing natural gas.

Operational Network Management in a Nutshell:

  • Inspection
  • Operational audits
  • Diagnostics
  • Odour control
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Repairing leaks
  • Unplanned repairs
  • Defining gas devices
  • Emergency hotline